The Baylor Baseball program is built on successfully executing baseball fundamentals. Join Head Coach Steve Smith and the Baylor coaching staff as they give you inside access to their practice sessions and structure allowing you to discover what has made Baylor baseball an NCAA contender.
Practice 1:
- Learn to incorporate mental conditioning into daily practice routines
- Incorporate agility work into your stretching routine
- See the Baylor run down system and everything it involves
On the field, Baylor's standard of excellence and focus on the fundamentals begins with their stretching routine and guides their high-octane practices. Drills designed to work on ball handling skills, pick-offs and team defense--such as `live reacts'-- all create a game-like practice environment, which gives the Baylor program an edge over their opponents.
Practice 2:
- Use batting practice to review different defensive or offensive situations
- Incorporate baserunning into batting practice
- Use video during individual BP for feedback to improve routines
Practice 3:
- Use live batting practice to develop pitchers
- Using cage work to refine hitting mechanics
- Implement different types of functional training into daily practice plans
Practice ends with functional training for pitchers and position players performing a series of drills with bands, sleds, medicine balls and hurdles.
Practice 4:
From the coaches' office to the classroom to the baseball diamond, for Coach Smith and his team there is no detail left to chance. In this practice you get an inside look at:
- Preparing the day's practice plan and how to gain an edge in all aspects of the game
- Incorporating mental conditioning into your daily practice routine
- Reviewing standard defenses with attention to detail
- Individual defensive work focused on skill development and getting game-like repetitions
- Using on-field `live reacts' to work on live situations
Practice 5:
- This session gives you an in-depth look at Baylor's practice plan the day before a game. Every aspect of Baylor's preparation has a specific focus. During the practice the team efficiently reviews a number of areas, including:
- Bunt defense
- Fly ball communication
- Tandem relays
- Run-downs
- 1st and 3rd defense
- Pick-offs
The video concludes with the team in the weight room running through their position specific, individualized strength and conditioning program. The program provides players with flexibility to work on drills designed to improve explosiveness and quickness.
This set shows you how to maximize practice time to review and cover a number of different areas and gets the most out of players with the time allowed.
527 minutes (5 DVDs). 2012.